You need resources for your assignment so you need to get into the Library database list to find the right database to search for articles in academic journals, newspapers, and magazines.

Super easy! 

To get to CSI's databases from the Library homepage, click on

Articles, on the left, or
Resources, at the top.

Then, click on the Databases by Subject link.

(Note, if you already know the name of the database you want you can go to the Database A-Z List.)

Click on the arrow below to continue.

You are now at a page with a bunch of subject tabs at the top:

Picture of top of Databases by Subject page, listing subjects
Choose a subject that is most relevant. (Remember, for some topics you write about, several of these subjects may be relevant, not solely the subject you are taking.)
You will now have a list of subject-specific databases. Read the descriptions to choose one.
There are over 200 databases. They cover a variety of topics and also resource types; academic journal articles, popular magazines, trade publications, newspapers, ebooks, etc. They also cover different time periods. For example, JSTOR is an excellent database but contains nothing published in the last 5 years. 
You might find enough resources by searching one database, but it's good practice to try several.
Your turn. Have fun researching!